推荐赛事 | 环济州岛越野挑战赛

2017-08-14 427

马拉松: 长山马拉松 | 泗洪马拉松 | 宁夏马拉松 | 新乡马拉松 | 抚仙湖半马 | 伊春马拉松 | 上合亚信阿斯塔纳马拉松 | 千岛湖马拉松 | 腾冲马拉松赛 | 亳州半马 | 敦煌双遗马拉松 | 敦煌超级马拉松 | 西双版纳景洪马拉松 | 扎龙丹顶鹤半马 | 成都摇滚马拉松怀来红酒马拉松 | 灵璧马拉松 |  绍兴马拉松 成都马拉松

越野赛:九龙湖大武夷凯乐石盘山越野大山包 | 崖上太行 | 魔山挑战 | 福州山径赛 | Columbia168崇礼站 | 普者黑马拉松 | 江南之巅 | 黑山夜跑 | 环黄泥川 | 抚仙湖越野 | 百里杜鹃越野 | 江南100 | 昆明100 | 漓江50 | 广州之巅 | 雁荡四尖越野 | 夜奔九溪 | 阳朔MaXi-Race | 山水四项金华山  | 江南100

乐跑:女神跑 | 无锡夜曲径跑 | 青岛家庭乐跑 | 为爱行走





TRANSJEJU是一项在韩国济州火山岛上进行的超级越野赛,选手将穿越汉拿山国家公园(联合国教科文组织认证世界文化遗产),赛道变化无穷,在不同的海拔有1800多种亚热带、温带和亚北极植物,哈拉火山(韩国最高的山),四季分明,展示给选手层次丰富的景色。环绕这座山的山峰是世界上最大的朝鲜冷杉森林,也就是现在最流行的圣诞树。赛道的景色非常壮观,有水面如镜的Baekrokdam火山湖,还有怪石林立的Youngsil Gaim峡谷。


Byeung-sik Ahn是是第一届Trail Jeju以及TNF Korea (2016)的赛事总监,居住在济州岛,深知岛上的路况路线,是第一个完成UTMB的韩国人。

Clement Dumont 是2000名选手参赛的第六届香港Translantau赛事总监, 他也是Asia Trail杂志的创始人兼总编辑。 2013年与妻子萨布里娜(Samrina)共同创办了总部位于香港的Asia Sport Connection。


TransJeju 100公里:USD 150

TransJeju 50公里:USD 80

TransJeju 10公里:USD 35




100公里项目覆盖Hallasan National Park最美丽的小径,累计海拔高达3,400米。这是一个具有挑战性的赛道,需要足够的训练才能在28小时内完赛。这条路线包括Hallasan火山(1950m)的陡峭的爬升,沿路有火山口的壮丽景色。


发枪时间:2017年10月14日  星期六   上午6时 (关门时间:28小时); 


比赛报道和酒店入住:Jeju Palace Hotel  星期五   下午5点开始    (距离济州机场有10分钟车程)



TransJeju 50


开始时间:2017年10月14日 星期六 上午6时(关门时间:12小时);


比赛报道和酒店入住:   Jeju Palace Hotel  星期五   下午5点开始    (距离济州机场有10分钟车程)




TransJeju 10


上午8:00,免费的摆渡巴士从 Jejusi Sport complex和Seogwiposi 1Ho gwangjang出发

开始时间:2017年10月15日 星期日 上午10时(时间限制:3小时);

起跑地点:Jeju Horse Park

比赛报道和行李寄存:星期日上午八点开始,位于Gasiri的Jeju Horse Park。


08:00  摆渡车出发(起点Jejusi Sport complex,Seogwiposi 1Ho gwangjang)

08:00-09:30 入场(Jeju Horse Park)

10:00  比赛开始

12:00  颁奖

13:00   关门,摆渡车出发(到 Jejusi Sport complex,Seogwiposi 1Ho gwangjang)



10月15日 星期日

08:00〜09:30 号码簿发放(Jeju Hourse Park,Gasiri,Jeju)







17:00〜21:00:强制装备检查+ 号码簿发放(Jeju Palace Hotel)



05:00~摆渡车从Jeju Palace Hotel 出发


06:00〜50km,100km 起跑








入住在 Jeju Palace Hotel (从市中心乘坐出租车(约7美元左右)约需15分钟)。



参加TransJeju100 / 50km表示完全接受赛事规程。赛事期间会有随机的装备检查,如果缺少任何一项,赛事监理会酌情决定取消其参赛资格。


急救站设于赛道不同位置,可参看大会地图。 比赛期间将有医疗队伍值班。













在无法联络赛事总监的情况下,可以直接拨打救援电话(特别身处不在移动网络覆盖范围内,请使用« 紧急呼救 »



1、每位选手都配有一个号码布,整个比赛中应处于衣服前面或清晰可见的位置。 一经发现选手没有号码布即会受到惩罚,每个检查站都提供茶点(饮料和食物)。

2、为了避免在比赛期间浪费一次性塑料杯或者纸杯,选手需自备水瓶或水袋。 鉴于选手的数量,一次性杯子会在前两个检查点分发。

3、善用每个检查站提供的垃圾桶,严禁赛道上乱扔垃圾,被发现将予以处分 。





公共大巴车可到达大多数检查站, 因此,从比赛中退赛的选手将被送到最接近的公共汽车/火车(每个跑步者必须有现金 - 见强制性设备)。 在公共汽车/火车时刻表之外,主办单位将安排班机在不同的检查站接送跑步者。 请注意,座位数量有限,优先考虑受伤的退赛选手带回终点处。

路线将在交叉口用丝带和箭头标记, 为了更好的夜视,标记物包括一部分反光材料,很容易用前照灯看到, 建议您随身携带地图。





摆渡巴士,从 Jeju Palace Hotel到起终点。




济州城际巴士总站 - Seongpanak

- 乘坐781或781-1巴士(济州,Seongpanak,Seogui),在Jeu international University(韩国济州谷口德哈克)巴士站下车。




我们的官方酒店合作伙伴 Jeju Palace Hotel,贴心为参赛选手提供每晚优惠价格70美元的双人房。



地址:济州市济州市Tapdong-ro 9号

要以特别优惠的价格预订房间,请在官方酒店网站上提交预订表,并确保在备忘录栏中注明“我是TransJeju's Runner”。客人必须在办理入住手续时付款。








汉拿山有六条远足路。东部的Seongpanak Trail和北部的Gwaneumsa Trail一直延伸到峰会(Baekrokdam)。要求不太严格的徒步旅行的人可经过较短的小径到达山中间。所有路径相对较短(不到10公里),可以在不到一天的时间内登上山顶。不过,建议参观者如果计划在山顶举行徒步活动,要确认下景区营业时间,一天中的开放时间有限。也要多关注其他更受欢迎的一些路线的信息。

* Gwaneumsa Trail(北)-Summit Trail

Gwaneumsa Trail提供徒步旅行者对Hallasan深谷和令人惊叹的地形的最佳景观。沿途的中途线是Guringul(一个熔岩洞穴)和Tamna谷。在秋天,谭娜山谷特别美丽,当叶子发生变化时,冬天当整个地区都在下雪的时候。

 * Seongpanak Trail (东)—Summit Trail


* Eorimok Trail (西北)


* Yeongsil Trail (西南)




    Jungmun resort

    Seongsan ilchulbong (sunrise peak)

    Manjang-gul volcanic cave

    Song-ak mountain

    Jeju museum of art




    English Information


Race Date:OCTOBER 14-15, 2017        

Race Location:Jeju Island - South Korea 

TRANSJEJU is an ultra distance trail event on the volcanic island Jeju, South Korea. Participants will run  through the Hallasan National Park (UNESCO World Heritage), which is extremely diverse: at various altitudes there are more than 1,800 species of subtropical, temperate and subarctic plants flourishing on the Halla volcano (the highest mountain in South Korea) that change distinctly with four seasons, offering runners ever-changing scenery. Surrounding the mountain’s peak is the world’s largest forest of Abies Koreana, which have become popular today as Christmas trees. This ultra offers majestic views, including the crater lake called Baekrokdam and Youngsil Giam, a cliff composed of weird-shaped rocks.

Race Directors

Byeung-sik Ahn is the race director of the stage race Trail Jeju and the former race director of TNF Korea (2016). He lives on Jeju island and has a deep knowledge of the trail network on the island. He is the first South Korean to have finished UTMB.

Clement Dumont is the race director of in Hong Kong, a trail event on its 6th edition with 2,000 runners. He is also the founder and editor-in-Chief of Asia Trail magazine. Clement is based in Hong Kong where he founded the event company Asia Sport Connection with his wife Sabrina in 2013.



TransJeju 100km: USD 150

TransJeju 50km:   USD 80

TransJeju 10km:   USD 35

You must provide a medical certificate for the 100km and 50km.

You can upload the certificate upon registration or after but no later than September 15, 2017.


NO registration on race day. 



The 100-km Transjeju covers the most scenic trails of the Hallasan National Park on Jeju Island, for a cumulative elevation gain of 3,400 meters. This is a challenging trail run which requires adequate training to complete the full route within 28 hours. The route includes the steep climb of the Hallasan volcano (1,950m) with a breathtaking view of the crater.

This race is semi-self sufficiency (9 refreshment posts are located along the route) with mandatory gear (check here). To enroll for the TransJeju100, you must be a finisher of a 100km trail race OR a 50-km trail race in <12h within the last 2 years.



Starting time and location:  Saturday October 14, 2017 at 6:00 am (Time limit: 28h); Jeju International University.

Race check-in and bag drop will start on Friday at 5:00pm at Jeju Palace hotel.

Jeju Palace hotel is located 10min taxi from Jeju airport.

The maximum time allowed to complete is 28 hours. Cut-off at several check points are set accordingly to ensure that all runners cross the finish line within this time limit.

FOOD LIST AT CP: available closer to the event


TransJeju 50

The 50-km TransJeju covers the scenic trails of the Hallasan National Park on Jeju Island, for a cumulative elevation gain of 2,300 meters. This is a challenging trail run which includes the 1,500m ascent of the Hallasan volcano.

This race is semi-self sufficiency (4 refreshment posts are located along the route) with mandatory gear (check here).



Starting time and location:  Saturday October 14, 2017 at 6:00 am (Time limit: 12h); Jeju International University.

Race check-in and bag drop will start on Friday at 5:00pm at Jeju Palace Hotel.

Jeju Palace Hotel is located 10min taxi from Jeju Airport.

The maximum time allowed to complete is 12 hours. Cut-off at several check points are set accordingly to ensure that all runners cross the finish line within this time limit.

FOOD LIST AT CP: available closer to the event


TransJeju 10

About the 10KM Course

The 10-km course of Transjeju traverses Seogwiposi Gasiri village on Jeju Island, for a cumulative elevation gain of 300 meters. Gasiri village possesses the most beautiful trail running terrain in Korea. Visitors experience Jeju Island's Oreum, farm and grassland. Gammajang path, one of the village's must-see attractions, offers a wonderful introduction to the beautiful scenery of Jeju Island and its surroundings.



Starting time and location: Sunday October 15, 2017 at 10:00 am (Time limit: 3h); Jeju Horse Park in Gasiri.

Race check-in and bag drop will start on Sunday at 8:00pm at Jeju Horse Park in Gasiri.

The free shuttle bus from Jejusi Sport complex and Seogwiposi 1Ho gwangjang departs at 8:00am


Schedule of 10KM Race

   08:00    Shuttle bus departs(Jejusi Sport complex, Seogwiposi 1Ho Gwangjang)

08:00-09:30   Race check-in(Jeju Horse Park in Gasiri)

   10:00    10km Race start

   12:00    10km Award

   13:00    10km Race Finish and Shuttle bus departs(to Jejusi sports complex and Seogwiposi 1Ho Gwangjang)

Event Schedule


Sunday, October 15

08:00 ~ 09:30 Bib Distribution(Jeju Hourse Park in Gasiri, Jeju)

10:00 ~ 10km Start

12:00 ~  Awards(10K)

13:00 ~ End of  2017 Trans Jeju 10K

13:10 ~ Shuttle Bus Departs


50km, 100km

Friday, October 13

17:00 ~ 21:00 : Mandatory Gear Check + Bib Distribution(Jeju Palace Hotel)

18:00 ~19:00 : Race briefing


 Saturday, October 14

05:00      Shuttle Bus departs from Palace Hotel  to start point

05:30~  Ready for Start(Mandatory gear check etc)

06:00 ~ 50km, 100km Start

18:00 ~ End of 2017 Trans Jeju 50K

18:10 ~ Awards(50K)


Sunday, October 15

10:00 ~  End of 2017 Trans Jeju 100K

10:10 : Awards(100K)


Other info

Check-in point will be Jeju Palace Hotel.

I will take about 15 minutes by taxi (coasts about USD 7) from downtown.


Runners are required to be semi self-sufficient, and must have their mandatory equipment with them at all times during the race. There won’t be drop bag on the course and support crew can only provide food/drinks at the check points. NO outside assistance is authorized beyond the limits of the check points (any food/drinks found on the course will be collected by the staff and the participant responsible will be penalized). Pacer and support runners are strictly prohibited.  The participant may be penalized or disqualified for breaches of the rules.

Taking part in the TransJeju100/50 involves accepting without reservation the current regulations and the ethic of the race. There will be random gear checks during the event and if you are missing any item you will incur a penalty up to the disqualification, on the discretion to the race directors.

Mandatory equipment for the 100km:

    Stock of water minimum 1 litre (bottle or bladder)

    Two headlamps with replacement batteries

    Long sleeve layer OR arm sleeves

    Jacket with a waterproof membrane

    Warm gloves

    Warm hat OR bandana

    Mobile phone


    Food reserve (min. 200 cal.)


    Race number (phone numbers of the organizers will be on your bib)

    Personal cup.  To avoid the wastage of plastic cups at the checkpoints, you must bring your cup along in order to enjoy the different beverages offered (soda, soup, tea, coffee).

    Survival blanket (recommended 1.40m x 2m)

    Adhesive elastic band for strapping (min. 80cm x 3 cm)


Mandatory equipment for the 50km:

    Stock of water minimum 1 litre (bottle or bladder)

    One headlamp with replacement batteries

    Waterproof jacket

    Mobile phone


    Food reserve (min. 200 cal.)


    Race number (phone numbers of the organizers will be on your bib)

    Personal cup.  To avoid the wastage of plastic cups at the checkpoints, you must bring your cup along in order to enjoy the different beverages offered (soda, soup, tea, coffee).


Strongly recommended:

    Hiking poles. If you decide to use poles, you must keep them throughout the whole race. It is forbidden to start without poles and recover them up along the way.

    A long sleeves layer in the case of cold weather, rain or injury

    First Aid kits (band, disinfectant, blister pads)


    Even though the organiser is covered by liability insurance, participants are strongly recommended to enroll in their own insurance coverage plan. 



First aid posts are positioned at different points throughout the course. A medical control team is present during the entire duration of the event.

If it appears that a runner is in difficulty or seriously injured to call for assistance:

    go in person to a first aid point

    phone the course organizer

    ask another runner to alert the first aid team

It is essential that each runner helps anybody in danger and alerts the first aid point.

Do not forget, that due to the difficulty of access of certain locations, one might have to wait for assistance for longer than anticipated. Your security, therefore, depends upon the quality of the materials that you have in your bag pack.

A runner calling on the medical team must submit himself to its authority and undertake to accept its decisions.

The first-aiders are authorized especially:

    To put any competitor unfit to continue with the event out of the race (by invalidating the race bib).

    To evacuate runners whom they judge in danger, by any means at their disposal.

    To hospitalize at their convenience any runners whose state of health requires it.

Expenses incurred, resulting from emergency assistance or evacuation, are payable by the person rescued who is also responsible for all costs relating to their return from the area to where they were rescued.

If for any reason it is impossible to make contact with the course organizer, you can directly call the rescue services (especially if you find yourselves in a zone « emergency call only » as several sections do not have mobile network coverage).

Each runner must stay on the way-marked paths, even if to rest for a while. Any runner who voluntarily leaves such paths is no longer under the responsibility of the organizer. 


Every runner will be provided with a race bib, and the race bib must be clearly visible and worn on the front and outside of the clothing during the entire race. Runners will be penalized for not having their race bibs with them at all times.

Refreshments (drinks and foods) are offered at each checkpoint.

To avoid the wastage of disposable plastic cups during the race, every runner has to equip himself with bottles or bladders. Due to the volume of runners, disposable cups will be distributed at the first two checkpoints.

Any runner seen littering along the route will be penalized. Trashcans are provided at every checkpoint.



Drop bag only at the start/finish. A bag tag is provided in your race pack. You must write on the tag your race number, your mobile number as well as your emergency number. On the morning of the race there will be tents where you can drop your bag that you will recover at the finish.



Except for injuries, a runner must not retire anywhere else other than at a checkpoint. He must therefore inform the person in charge of the checkpoint, who will definitively invalidate his race bib and recuperates the electronic chip.

Most check points are easily accessible by public transportation. Therefore, the runner who retires from the race will be redirected to the closest public bus/train (each runner must have cash – see mandatory equipment). Outside bus/train schedule, the organizer will arrange a shuttle to pick up runners at the different checkpoints. Note that the shuttle may experience delays in bringing the retired runners back to the finish area. Injured runners will have the priority if the numbers of seats are limited.



The route will be marked with ribbons and arrows at intersections. For better night vision, the markers include a section of reflective material, which will be easily visible with a headlamp. It is recommended to bring the map with you.

It is imperative that you follow the paths with the markers without taking any short cuts. Any runner seen taking a short cut along the route will be penalized/disqualified. 



 #1 Shuttle bus

We will offer a shuttle bus picking up runners from Jeju Palace Hotel to the start/ finish point.

 #2 TAXI

15min from downtown

#3 BUS

Jeju Intercity Bus Terminal - Seongpanak

-Take Bus No. 781 or 781-1 (Jeju, Seongpanak, Seogui), and get off at Jeu international University(Jeju Gukje Dehak in Korean) Bus Stop.

Travel time: approx. 40 min

※ Time and schedules are subject to change.



Our Official Hotel Partner, Jeju Palace Hotel, is delighted to offer our runners a special discounted price of US$70 per night for a room with 2 guests.

Located in the lovely area of Downtown Jeju, Jeju Palace Hotel sits in a wonderful location. The hotel is blessed with a great view of a beautiful beach and spectacular marine light show presented by local fishing boats. Guests enjoy easy access to restaurants and sightseeing as well as the biggest traditional market (Dongmun Market Place) in Jeju. Additional convenience comes in the form of a short 10 minute drive to Jeju airport and 5 only minutes to Jeju harbor.

Kindly note that we will offer a shuttle bus picking up runners from Jeju Palace Hotel to the start/ finish point.

Address:         9, Tapdong-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do

Homepage:   www.cjpalace.co.kr

To book a room at the special discounted price, please submit the reservation form on the Official Hotel Website and make sure to state  "I am a TransJeju's Runner" in the Memo field. Payment will be made upon check-in.


All finishers of the 100km and 50km will receive a Finisher medal.

Awards for 100km and 50km

Women top 3

Men  top 3

Awards for 10km:

Women top 3

Men top 3


Things to do around the area

Surrounding Trails  

Situated on the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula, Hallasan is 1,950m in height and is the highest mountain in South Korea. Formed from volcanic activity, the mountain is a dormant volcano made mostly of basalt. Home to the magnificent Baekrokdam (lake-filled crater), the mountainside is covered with alpine flora and lush trees.


The mountain is characterized by majestic cliffs, steep slopes, interesting rock formations, and, in particular, myriads of colorful azaleas. There are over 360 small mountains (uniquely-shaped volcanic mountains called “Oreum” in Jeju dialect) surrounding Halla Mountain that offer new delights to visitors with the coming of each new season. Along with Hallasan, the oreums were officially named the Hallasan Natural Protection Area in 1966.


There are six hiking trails along Hallasan. Seongpanak Trail on the east and Gwaneumsa Trail in the north go all the way up to the summit (Baekrokdam). Those looking for a less rigorous hike are advised to take the shorter trails reaching midway up the mountain. All trails are relatively short (less than 10km) and can be hiked in less than a day. Visitors are advised, however, to start early in the morning if planning on hiking up to the summit and to check official operating hours, as some trails are only open during certain hours of the day. Keep reading for information on some of the most popular trails.


* Gwaneumsa Trail (North)—Summit Trail

Gwaneumsa Trail offers hikers the best view of Hallasan’s deep valleys and stunning terrain. Midway along the trail is Guringul (a lava cave) and Tamna Valley. Tamna Valley is especially beautiful during the fall when the leaves are changing and during the winter when the entire area lays under a dusting of snow.


* Seongpanak Trail (East)—Summit Trail

This relatively long, gently sloping trail is perfect for beginners. Lush broadleaf trees give shade from the beating sun and in spring the azaleas bloom and turn the mountainside into a dazzling array of color.


* Eorimok Trail (Northwest)

This short trail is another relatively easy trail for beginners. In spring, the nearby meadows are adorned with red royal azaleas. From the stone pathway to Mansedongsan visitors can catch a breathtaking panoramic view of the countryside and the island’s signature Oreums.


* Yeongsil Trail (Southwest)

As the shortest trail in Hallasan, this trail boasts Yeongsilgiam (a spectacular cliff with series of unusual rock formations). It is covered with azaleas and royal azaleas in spring and vibrant autumn foliage starting in October.


Tourist Sites :

    Jungmun resort

    Seongsan ilchulbong (sunrise peak)

    Manjang-gul volcanic cave

    Song-ak mountain

Jeju museum of art

Cancellation policy

No refund will be provided for request of cancellation. However, you are able to transfer your entry to anyone else with a USD10 administration fee up to 1 September, 2017.  Please note that it is each participant's responsibility to find a replacement.




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