
2020-07-16 11:55:50    4859

















2、本人理解户外活动可能对身体和精神方面都有严酷的要求,可能包括在崎岖地带和恶劣天气中进行活动,可能远离救助和医疗服务。当参加户外活动时,发生的风险有可能使自己受到伤害,甚至死亡。这些风险包括并不限于跌坠,落石,闪电,过河,失温,霜冻,冻伤,咬伤,刺伤,犬咬,车祸,溺水,野兽袭击等各种意外。本人清楚理解活动共同发起人、活动策划人、联系人、其他参与者均无法全面预见该活动中所有风险和不利。本人理解以上所列的风险并不完全含括了活动中 所有可能的风险,并且同意本文件中关于免责和放弃权利的声明并不仅限于以上所列的风险中。






8、 本人完全理解,在同伴需要协助的时候,本人应尽力协助。但应基于本人当时的判断:协助是在本人力所能及的范围内,并且不会给自己带来不合理的危险,也不会加重受协助人的危险。同时,任何参与活动的同伴在协 助本人时,也应基于同样的判断。


10、 本人保证在活动中遵守团队纪律,服从领队,遵守出行公约。












Dear 2020 rosefinch 50 cross country participants:

Thank you for your support and love for the 2020 Rosefinch 50 cross-country race. Thank you for your participation. However, the event is risky.

All participants are requested to read this article carefully.

This declaration document relates to the exemption of liability, the waiver of rights and the assumption of risks. I have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of the document.  First of all, I clearly know that my participation in the 2020 Rosebird 50 cross-country race follows the principle of "safety, environmental protection, self-help and mutual assistance".

I. access to activity information

I do not assume the responsibility of convener and know that all information providers are not event organizers. I am not invited by anyone to participate in the activity, nor am I obligated to do so. Ii. The assumption of risks

I am willing to participate in the 2020 Rosefinch 50 cross-country race. I understand, agree and sign this statement of exemption of liability, waiver of rights and risk assumption, and I can only participate in the event if I finally sign this statement.

I am a person with full capacity for civil conduct. I solemnly declare that in the event of accidental damage to person and property caused by an infringement act not committed by others, other participants in the event shall not be liable for compensation and shall be settled by the victim in accordance with the law and this statement.

Declaration of immunity, waiver of rights and waiver of compensation

I am aware that there are inherent risks in the 2020 rosefinch 50 cross-country event, and I may suffer or cause losses in the course of participating in the event. According to this statement, I am willing to obey the management and instructions of the organizing committee of 2020 rosefinch 50 cross-country event throughout the event. In addition, I voluntarily accept and obey the following terms:

1. I know that team spirit should be emphasized when traveling; Follow the track of the race, do not enter the unknown forest or wilderness.

2. I understand that outdoor activities may be physically and mentally demanding, may include activities in rugged terrain and inclement weather, and may be remote from assistance and medical services. When taking part in outdoor activities, there is a risk of injury or even death. These risks include but are not limited to falls, falling rocks, lightning, crossing rivers, loss of heat, frost, frostbite, bite, stab wounds, dog bites, car accidents, drowning, wild animal attacks, etc. I clearly understand that co-sponsors, event planners, contacts and other participants cannot fully foresee all risks and disadvantages of the event. I understand that the risks listed above do not cover all possible risks in the activity and agree that the disclaimer and waiver of rights contained in this document are not limited to the risks listed above.

3. I understand and am fully aware that the use of physical exercise and equipment is potentially harmful. I also understand that fitness and leisure activities include the risk of injury, cardiovascular disease and even death. I agree to bear and accept the risk of any injury or death. In addition, I will forever exempt contacts and colleagues of this event from legal liability.

4. I understand the significance of buying personal accident injury (commercial) insurance required by the 2020 Rosefinch 50 cross-country event, and I will voluntarily purchase insurance before joining the event.

5. I can reduce the risk by taking the following measures: paying attention to my physical and mental condition; Pay attention to the condition of all safety related clothing and equipment; Only participate in activities that are appropriate to your physical abilities and mental abilities. Once participate in the activity, that is to prove that I have seriously thought and made full psychological preparation.

6. I deeply understand that my safety is a personal responsibility and depends on my vigilance and good judgment. This is beyond the control of others, and they are therefore not responsible for their own safety.

7. I hereby declare that I am in good health and free from any discomfort, injury or illness which may affect my participation in the activity. The event contacts and other participants shall not be liable for personal accidents, diseases and property losses caused by their participation in the event.

8. I fully understand that I should try my best to assist my partner in his/her time of need. However, it should be based on my judgment at that time: the assistance is within my ability, and will not bring unreasonable danger to myself, nor will it aggravate the danger of the assisted person. At the same time, any partner participating in the activity is in association Help yourself should be based on the same judgment.

9. During the activity, if I cause property loss or personal injury to others based on my own behavior, I am willing and should take all the responsibilities on my own initiative, and do not need other teammates to bear joint liability.

10. I promise to abide by the team discipline, obey the team leader and abide by the travel convention.

11. During all activities, I promise to bring appropriate equipment, adequate food and water and be responsible for all my actions.

 4. Special terms

1. Guarantee that the personal real-name information provided during the activity registration is voluntary and true and effective, and the individual who provides false information will be liable for all the adverse consequences caused thereby.

2. In case of team registration, the information provided by the team leader in the process of reviewing and retrieving the competition materials is true and effective. If false or false information is provided, the team leader shall bear all the responsibilities for the adverse consequences caused thereby.

3. Once the activity is registered, it will be deemed that the participants (including those who sign up for others and those who sign up for others) have fully understood and voluntarily accepted the contents of the poster and this disclaimer, which will automatically take effect.

4. This clause shall also apply to the volunteers in each link of the activity.

I have informed the family members of the content of this declaration document and obtained the consent of the family members. The official text of this declaration document shall be kept by the family members. The legal effect of this declaration document shall extend to the family members.

this statement applies to "2020 rosefinch 50 cross-country event" and all links of the activities.


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